奥斯汀庆祝中国新年的新传统 ACCF2020

奥斯汀华裔联盟欢迎您参加奥斯汀中国文化节。Austin Chinese Culture Festival (ACCF2020) Students from 11 high schools of the greater Austin area will showcase martial arts, Chinese calligraphy and water ink paintings. Local artists will perform traditional dances. There will be multiple fun games to play with prizes to win. Seventeen carefully selected Asian restaurants will have food for purchase. Participants will have opportunities to get a full taste of many aspects of Chinese culture.

When: Saturday February 15, 12PM– 6:00 PM

Where: Westwood High School, 12400 Mellow Meadow Drive, Austin, TX

您是否听说或参加了去年2月在AISD PAC举办的第一届奥城中华文化节 ACCF2019?有数千人参加。它集中华武术,书法,舞蹈,游戏,艺术展台,文化小商品和中华美食于一处,应有尽有!大家玩得开心、吃得尽兴!

基于它的成功,响应大家的呼声,华盟联合十几所当地初高中,早早地展开了ACCF2020的筹备工作!我们隆重邀请大家在2月15日的12pm – 7pm来Westwood High School免费入场并参加受欢迎的各种文化活动,游戏及品尝多种传统中华美食。


Have you ever heard about ACCF2019 at AISD PAC last February? Thousands of people attended. Martial arts, Chinese calligraphy, dance, games, cultural arts and food, you name it. Or did I mention those delicious Chinese food? SO many varieties! SO much fun! 

Well, we want to continue the fun!

All these and more are coming to ACCF2020! Come and join us from noon to 7pm on 2/15/2020 at Westwood High School to become part of the new Austin tradition to celebrate Chinese New Year, with a bang, literally!

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One Comment

  1. Many Chinese communities have cancelled their large events to help prevent potential spreading of the novel coronavirus. Since this will be held in a high school, it might be a good idea to cancel this event this year. We cannot risk our children’s health.

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