华盟巍山英语支教2020 夏令营招生简章

         在中国美丽的云南省大理州有个历史悠远,民风淳朴的巍山县城,是个很有汉族和彝族回族文化底蕴的古城,每年的夏天我们都去那里举办为期两周的英语支教夏令营 (SIW, Summer in Weishan). 今年是第五年了。SIW自2016年创建到2018年加入华盟后规模迅速扩大和成熟。2018年有12位营员在高中营和小学营,2019年有19位营员在高中营,初中营和小学营。通过夏令营,营员们锻炼了演讲能力,领导力,团队精神和独立生活能力等,也对中华文化和生活有了直接的体验和感受,大大提高了中文能力。我们的营员在教授英语的同时也分享了美国学生的学习和生活情况,他们的积极独立的表现感染了当地的学生,受到了当地学校师生们的高度赞扬,学校把我们的夏令营列入了教学计划,表示会长期支持。夏令营在奥斯汀华人界得到了更多的关注。(详细情况可参照去年7月8月和9月的德州新闻报道,或在华盟网站查询以往报道)






  • 高中生
  • 良好的表达能力
  • 有爱心,责任心和独立生活能力
  • 有一定的中文沟通能力(口语和阅读)
  • 家长愿意做夏令营后勤志愿者的优先考虑


ACAN SIW 2020 summer camp recruitment information

Weishan is an ancient little town with a thousand years of history, mesmerizing beauty and kind-hearted people. It’s located near west  border of China, in beautiful Dali County of Yunnan province. Three ethnic groups including Han, Yu and Hui live there with district rich cultural traditions , which attract millions of tourists from around the world.

SIW, Summer In Weishan, is a youth volunteer and cultural exchange program focused on teaching English to local high school students, and cultural exchanges between the US and Chinese students from two different backgrounds.

Started in 2016, SIW is now in its 5th year, and 3rd year since SIW joined efforts with Austin Chinese-American Network. The program has expanded from a couple of high school students to 12 students in 2018 and 19 students in 2019! Each year, our members volunteered in a high school, middle school and elementary school for two weeks, enjoyed local foods, culture and scenery, interacted and bounded with local students, improved their Chinese, leadership and public speaking skills. They lived together and enjoyed each other’s company, got first-hand teamwork experiences and leaderships skills through teaching groups.

Our campers shared American culture and their life experiences, impressed local schools and students with their compassion and independence, became very popular among the students and teachers.

The program has been so successful that the local high school, Weishan First High decides to combine our program into their school program as a long term project.

SIW is well known among Chinese-Americans in Austin , Austin Capital news reported numerous times in the past two summers. Please refer to the July, August and September editions in 2018 and 2019. The reports also can be found on ACAN’s website.

To make SIW even better and special, this year we plan to focus on high school camp only. Here is 2020 summer camp information:

Time: June 9-23 2020

Location: Weishan 1st High, Weishan, Yunnan, China

Campers: 12 ( 5 returning campers were already confirmed)

Expenses: It is a volunteering camp, all travel and local expense is paid by campers or their parents.

Camper requirements:

  • Current 9th-12th grade Austin local high schoolers.
  • Good communication skills.
  • Compassionate, responsible, and independent. Team-worker.
  • Some Chinese oral/reading skills.

Priority will be given to candidates whose parents volunteer to chaperone for at least one week in Weishan。

ACAN will hold an information session with last year campers panel discussion and Q&A at Travis County Community Center at Pflugerville at 7:30pm – 9:30pm on 2/8/2020. Please register for this event.

We are looking for someone with…

Passion for teaching and for helping others

Willingness to talk to others

Willingness to immerse yourself into a different culture

Age: there is no cut off for age, but if you are a freshman or younger you will most likely want to consider SIW Elementary.

Basic proficiency in Mandarin: there isn’t a ‘cut off’ or specific level of proficiency we are looking for, but it is important that you can understand and speak conversationally.

*In general, we want to have a group of people with diverse interests and personalities in order to have a balanced and fun team. We want the students there to get to know as many perspectives from different American students as possible!

Bonus points if you’re good at basketball or likes watching basketball, a good singer, and have a good sense of humor